The August Primary Election is six months away! The vetting team is meeting with candidates and planning announcements. The men and women stepping forward to run for local office are leaders who will bring a bold, pro-active, conservative perspective to Ottawa County. They desire to represent the people and prioritize parental rights, individual freedoms, and American values.

Political change starts with local elections. If you are interested in running for elected office in Ottawa County, please contact us. We are connecting with many wonderful people, including individuals who want to support local candidates by volunteering, donating, door knocking, and more.

In order to WIN in the upcoming election, we need funding. Please contribute to support pro-liberty, pro-parental rights, and pro-child candidates in Ottawa County’s local elections. These candidates will take action to defend American values. Your combined contributions are breaking down the fundraising barriers for these new candidates!

For Liberty,

Joe Moss
Executive Director